Get started

Select what you need below. No complicated packages, just our best service based on your needs.


1. Core Services

  • WordPress core and plugin updates
  • Scheduled website backups
  • Sucuri security monitoring & cleanup
  • Ondemand customizations and fixes @ $99 /hr
WordPress Maintenance
All core services

$99 /month

2. Extra Performance

  • Optimize images
  • Combine files (global CSS, Javascript)
  • Minify files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Reduce http requests

3. Security Firewall

  • Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) to block malicious traffic
  • Only allow trusted people to your admin (IP blocking/blacklist)
  • Up to 80% speed improvement using Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Block attackers from the start (block groups of malicious IPs)

I have a promo code.

Your total: $148/month

By clicking ‘Start Plan’ you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

Common Questions

Scan your website for out of date software, security, and SEO concerns and get a free, actionable site check.

How much does it cost?

Our core service is a $99 per month subscription that includes:

  • WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates
  • Backups at a schedule that works for your site/publishing schedule
  • Security scanning and clean-up in partnership with Sucuri’s industry leading website security service
  • On-Demand Support from quality WordPress developers, available at $99 per hour (upon approval)

Your minimum cost is $99/month, but you can escalate your needs with our on-demand developer and support team for anything from CSS clean up, fixes, integrations, and more. We never bill you for hourly work without your approval.

What services do you provide?

We provide WordPress core, theme, and plugin updates. We work with you to schedule regular backups using a schedule and implementation method that works for you and your website (limitations may apply, ask us how).

Security auditing, lockdown, scanning, and cleanup are also included – you can also subscribe to our Website Firewall, featuring Sucuri CloudProxy, that will help increase performance and stop attacks before they start.

Speaking of performance, we offer a monthly add-on to enhance your site performance – this includes both auditing and measuring performance (including Google PageSpeed Insights and Web Vitals scores). This may include compression, image optimization, database optimization, caching, CDN (content delivery network) implementation, minimizing and minify requests, and more.

On-Demand Developer Support is also easily accessible at a rate of $99/hour for enhancements, coding, implementations, and small to medium design tweaks.

Do customers get free updates to content?

While we do not offer unlimited free fixes or content updates, we are faster than the average user. You may request content updates as part of our on-demand service but we encourage customers to group all updates into one organized batch in order to conserve the final cost for on-demand support requests.

Do you provide unlimited free fixes?

At WP Maintainer, your core subscription covers regular updates, backups, and up to one hour of troubleshooting (or rollback to a latest backup) if an update our team makes causes an error or break on your website. Unfortunately, we do not offer unlimited free fixes but do offer high quality on-demand developer support at a lower rate than working direct with a high-end agency.

Don’t worry, when we can, we will help you for free and will always include more where we can!

When do I get paid?

You are paid after the receipt of the second month’s payment from a customer. This data is tracked between our website/sales platform and the affiliate platform/affiliate dashboard. Payouts will happen by the end of the month for qualifying transactions. Payments include both initial sign up commissions and on-going/recurring submissions, when applicable.

What are the terms and conditions?

Please review our latest affiliate terms and conditions here.

How do I refer customers?

You are allowed to refer customers using your blog/website, social media channels, or other avenues of communication. You’ll receive a personal affiliate link once you have applied and been approved, as well as access to the affiliate dashboard.

That dashboard will have your affiliate link and a $20 off your first month promotional code (remember, usage of the promotion code will lower your initial payout), as well as statistics on traffic and conversions. We also provide some basic logos and common ad-sizes if you want to have evergreen advertisements on your site that point to your affiliate URL.

We’ll also track the promotional code usage when a conversion occurs, to try to reconcile those customers back to you. As a best practice, always link to your affiliate code (we provide sample links to your affiliate code with and without your promo code!).

You must be honest and not misrepresent yourself or our brand. Please consult the Affiliate Terms & Conditions for more detail.

What if someone cancels before their second month?

In the event a customer cancels before their second month’s billing cycle, you would not earn a commission. Sorry!

What if I don’t have a Paypal Account?

We’re working to create multiple channels for affiliate payments, but for now, Paypal transfers is the only way. Zelle and Venmo may happen in the future, or ACH may be possible one day. Please sign up for a Paypal account and enter that email into your payout details in the meantime!

What if I refer someone and you don’t give me credit?

We are tracking customer referral codes. If you refer someone and they click another affiliate link after they click yours, but before they sign up, the latter affiliate will get the conversion/commission.

If you think a site has signed up that you should receive credit for, please email with the domain and any contact information you have for the site owner (or have the site owner contact us to confirm).

We’ll make every effort to make sure you’re paid!